Monday, May 25, 2009
Cerita hari ini...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
:: Affan Pre-School Sports Day ::
Bersemangatnya Along lari...
Khusyuk tgh memasukkan bunga dlm tali...
Ini plak aku ngan ibu Ira.. saja nk interprem..hahahaa!!! Jgn marahh...
ps:promosi skit..tudung yg kami berdua pakai dlm gambar kat atas adalah hasil jahitanku sendiri.. Ibu Ira pakai tudung jenis Oblong a.k.a selendang, tudung aku yg jenis ada butang kat belakang...
:: Mthly Trip to Giant ::
Friday, May 22, 2009
Luahan Rasa...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
:: Creativity Corner ::
These layout was done quite some times.. just another addition to my collection..
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Weekend kami..
Last weekend we all balik kg PIL kat Raub.. now, routine balik kg is mandi kolam.. So, abah kena make sure that the mini pool tak tertinggal.. suka sgtllh diorang ni dpt mandi kolam.. kat kg ada spacious space.. abah just bentang pool tu kt halaman belakang rumah jer..
Skang ni bila mandi pool, diorang dh pandai control.. rasa puas, cukup.. dgn sendirinya akan stop.. Actually, picture yg inside the house tu after diorang mandi pool.. still maintain ceria ok..dok posing2 dgn bunga seri pagi (morning glory) kat telinga.. abah yg bagi sorg satu.. sabo jelah, along pun join dania sama..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
:: When They Sleep ::
ps :, now it's time for me to sleep plak..
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Project Update
However, these are the tudungs that I've finished sewing.. materials that I used come from different sources.. some from Kamdar and some from online depends on the demand..
Friday, May 8, 2009
:: Sempurna Resort ::
Dania lari ketakutan bila air dlm bucket tu dicurahkan..dia baru jer nk berjinak2 main pool..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tagged ~ Gambar Profile
Pun tak bermaksud apa2..dh lama letak gambar ni, diambil masa masih bekerja.. kira kat officelah ni..sejak tu tak pernak terpikir nk tukar...
3. Kenapa pilih or letak gambar itu?
Hmm...takde sebablah..just nk tunjuk yg ni tuanpunya blog kot...hehhehee..comei kan...hahaha...
Rata2, aku tgk dh melambak geng blog yg dh buat tag, takde nk tag sapa2 pun..
Gee, tag dh buat.. so, kira acilah angkut award ni ^_^ mekasih yea..
Monday, May 4, 2009
:: Just 4 Me ::
Sunday, May 3, 2009
:: Raikan Cinta ::
Layout courtesy to Layout Godess a.k.a Zatul